A review by amia
The Organ Scrubber by Jason Werbeloff


WOW! What an incredible book. It is so many things but I will try to describe it without any spoilers. It is a dystopian novel where the standard wealthy vs exceedingly poor is in play. But, that is the ONLY standard about this awesome novel. It is also about one person's desire for justice. And let me just say, if anyone deserves justice this young does. The book is also, at least, 80% pure horror with a healthy dose of terror. My heart beat was faster than normal throughout and I still feel very tense. I read through the night. I absolutely had to get to the end before I could put the book down. And now I have purchased book 2 in the series. I can barely think about sleeping but I will try and read more when I wake. Will I have nightmares? If not, I will be very surprised. Such wicked twists. You will have to read this to see what I mean.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author and even though he didn't ask, this is my honest review.