A review by hank
The Born Queen by Greg Keyes


There are flaws....but the epilogue made me forget all of them. I feel like my reviews lately lead with examples of the opposite of my rating and then I go on to how I really feel. I am not sure what that says about me but this will be no different.

I felt like Keyes suddenly felt the need to wrap up the series which I applaud but as others have said it felt rushed and tough to follow at the end. The middle also felt like there were leaps in understanding that I would have prefered to be a bit more of a slow reveal. Lastly and more damingly, there were a couple of deaths that did not have the emotional impact I think they deserved because everything including the writing was so hectic.

With those qualifications, I loved the series and the last book. There was heartbreak and tragedy along with some semblance of victory. I am sad about Keyes' treatment of Anne and Stephen but overjoyed with
Spoiler Neil and Brinna, Austra and Cazio
. Aspar's fate seemed right and would have brought tears to my eyes if I weren't so manly. More spoiler thoughts
Spoiler Murielle's and z'Accato's deaths were not as tragic and fleshed out as I wanted them to be but nothing is perfect. It seemed like Keyes was setting up consequences for Anne's spoiled and calloused behavior throughout the series, doesn't mean I had to like it when it came true.

Keyes' other books seem uninteresting and not great so I think my reading of him stops here but it was well worth it.