A review by inwonderland49
Frozen Tides by Morgan Rhodes


This review was originally posted on In Wonderland

What I've Been Reading... will be a segment here on In Wonderland a few times a month. Or really, whenever I have a plethora of books that I want to share that I've read and give a quick review of. This is my way of doing a review without feeling the daunting/boring feel of it. Of course, every so often I will give a full review. But I don't want to get discouraged from my blog for *having* to write reviews.

What I've Been Reading Lately...

I didn't include the synopsis for this because it's book 4 and well, spoilers. But I loved this book. Lucia bothered me. But I think she bothered most people.

I also didn't include the synopsis for this because it's book 5 and spoilers, darling. This was probably my least favorite of the books... but for it being my least favorite.. I still gave it a solid 4 stars.. So, what does that tell you about this series?!

Again, no synopsis. Spoilers. However, if you haven't read this series yet.. what are you waiting for?! This is one of my favorite series of all time and has solidified Morgan Rhodes as a auto buy author for me! I enjoyed every word of this series! And just want to have discussions with all of you about them!!