A review by trisha_thomas
I Am Margaret Moore by Hannah Capin


I wanted to love this one! I wanted to love it so very very much. I am a huge fan of books written in verse and I do love a good cryptic, odd, lyrical story. But this one was neither of the things I love so much about those stories.

First, the writing style is odd. It's not quite a book in verse but it's close. It has poetry and lyrics and written in quick, short chapter breaks. But the few lines it gives aren't really verse, they are a lot of full sentences, but they are the same things repeated a lot. There are whole sections that felt like the same chapter over and over. The beginning, the intro to the summer camp and their style, was jarring. I don't know a lot about a navy type summer camp so the levels and chants and line ups were a lot to catch up on with little intro.

I felt like what was maybe supposed to be the twist was really easy to spot pretty early on. So the layers I was hoping to dig through or the spooky parts I was hoping to get goosebumps from just never happened. The end was good but didn't quite pull together the story. I wish I'd loved it more.

A huge thank you to the author and publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.