A review by jenvile
Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas


I started off reading this book thinking it'd be a bitter sweet, young adult novel about two boys who could never meet practically, but met emotionally through the letters they wrote.

I was half right, kind of not right.

It was weird, but good. Kind of shocking, and a little heart breaking. But only because I'm not a massive Sci-Fi fan, that the ending couldn't do it for me entirely, the novel really was boarder line sci fi. The beginning of the story, and the transition from letters to letters was excellent. The story telling from the characters are effortless and told in such an integral way, that it still successfully emits the character's voices and their story... But also perfectly flows into the next chapter or letter without confusion or clatter.

That's definitely something to praise for, and despite the weird sci fi elements and the ending (which by the way was a little disappointing but wrapped it off nicely) I enjoyed this story immensely.

It was interesting, and very different.