A review by happylilfaerie
The Sandman, Vol. 1: Preludes & Nocturnes, by Neil Gaiman


Neil Gaiman is a great writer and he's definitely gotten better over the years, as all good writers do. There were a couple of things that stood out as perhaps being a product of their time and it being one of his earlier work, nevertheless they deserve to be criticised. 

The way a female character is introduced, "Her nipples are hard and dark and shrunken on breasts like empty pouches". Yup that's the first thing we learn about her...there are much better ways to show a woman is old and sick than describing her boobs. 

The casual use of a slur for Romani people, it was really unnecessary and could definitely be edited out of future editions of the book without affecting the story at all. Maybe it is taken out of the newer editions, I'm not sure as the one I borrowed from the library is an older one. 

These flaws aside, the story and world have me captivated and I can't wait to read more about the characters and their adventures.

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