A review by timbookshelf
The Outsider by Arlene Hunt


I picked this up a few years ago as part of a StoryBundle (I think ‘Outsiders’ was the theme). Early in the month I read The Chosen and thought it was OK. The Outsider however was a pleasant surprise!

The synopsis on GoodReads makes this sound like a murder mystery, but it definitely doesn’t read like one. It’s hard to pin down the genre, but it’s more of a family led drama. We follow the family from when the twins are kids. Emma is very much an outsider, with her brother Anthony wanting to distance himself from her. But over the years we see that the twins really do care for each other.

I honestly don’t know how to better describe this novel, I would just recommend picking it up and finding out for yourself.

It’s a great exploration of people, I particularly love Emma. And while Anthony isn’t necessarily the best person, he is a great character. I also really enjoyed the portrayal of small town life