A review by carryontam
The Desolations of Devil's Acre by Ransom Riggs


How am I gonna put my feelings about this series, these characters and their stories into words?

This was once again a very exciting, epic and beautiful book and an amazing way to wrap up the series.
Especially the ending. This was very fitting, very beautiful and I am absolutely satisfied with it.
I loved the connections one could kind of make to the first book and I overall just really enjoyed reading this. SO much happened in this book!!
While I still think the relationship between two particular characters developed quite random and fast, I loved this nonetheless.

There are so many beautiful quotes I could put here, so many moments I enjoyed. I could share my favourites of the tales of the peculiar or I could tell you about my favourite adventure of them altogether. Unfortunately, that does not work without spoilers.

Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children is a book series, that truly grew very dear to my heart.
Ransom Riggs created such a creative, unique and beautiful world that I absolutely LOVED getting lost in.
I'm gonna miss these characters. And I am certainly planning on re-reading these books to annotate!