A review by joerobson
Void Black Shadow by Corey J. White


Ok, it was quite good. I thought he painted himself into a corner having a character who is basically all-powerful, and he hasn’t really worked out a way to make it balanced yet.

Xi literally pulls planets out of the sky but in the final scene she leaves the station surrounded by imperial ships, because...? And his solution to control Xi in the prison is pretty lame. And any remorse she shows is basically “I felt really fucking bad. Really fucking awful. I felt so guilty. Really fucking guilty. And bad and fucking awful.” And then she kills another city full of people because they are employed by the same galaxy-spanning megacorp that made her the way she is? Although fair enough, who works for a company called Mephisto, seriously.

I hope in the next book Xi has to deal with making really precise telekinetic movements, because that seems like the only way to show her in any trouble whatsoever when she can crush entire fleets and end up with nothing more than a sore throat and a headache. Jeez.

Also less of the cat. Who cares. Flush it out the airlock. Unless the cat ends up secretly being her sister who was extra mutated by the space witch program.