A review by mountie9
Big Nate: In a Class by Himself, by Lincoln Peirce


Jake's Review: Mom, this book is awesome, it reminds me a lot of those Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. Can I start reading the next book tonight (mom's note: nice try its 9:45 -- get thee to bed NOW). This book is hilarious, I have to lend it to Brian, he doesn't really like books, but I think he will like this one. It's got the perfect amount of story and sic (this is a good thing old people -- it's our version of Cool) pictures. They totally have to make this into a movie. I like Nate, he is sort of sarcastic like Daddy but in a nicer way and he gets in trouble as much as I do (Mom's note: ahh Jake, that is not a good thing btw).

Jake's Rating: 9.5/10

Mom's Review: Wait a sec -- this book is written about Jake (Jake's note: nice Mom). I can see why Jake enjoyed this one. Filled with witty writing, sarcastic kids and clueless adults, what's not to like for a 9 yr old boy --- o.k., Mom totally thought it was funny too. But I think we all know by now, that I am not your typical Mom. This will be one the middle school kids will really get into, sort of on the same lines as Diary of a Wimpy Kid. A good mix of writing and illustrations to keep the kids interested, and fabulous for reluctant readers. I recommend that all middle school and public libraries get a couple of copies of this one, I think it will be a huge hit. I look forward to reading more about Big Nate, his buddies and his hippie Dad. BTW, when I was asking Jake about the book before we wrote up his review. I was asking him what his parents were like -- and he goes well Nate only has a Dad, you know not every family has a Mom and Dad -- families are made up of all kinds of groups. Some kids are raised by their grandparents or by two mom's or two dad's -- think about that before you ask that type of question (yup Mom being lectured to by 9 yr old boy)

Mom's Rating: 9/10

We received this from Harper Collins Children's (From OLA conference)