A review by elylibrarysec
Bayside Passions by Melissa Foster


Rating: 4.5 Stars

Emery Andrews shows the difference between residents and non-residents. We remember to stop as close to the last rest stop as possible because you just never know. You always want to plan when it’s “in season”. Dean Masters will have you laughing along with him. This is one thing I love about this author. She makes it so easy to laugh at someone else’s pain. She also has me wishing that I could call Dean – I could use his help out in my yard.

Our couple just seems so easy going with each other. And that’s true about all the friends. You can see how much they all care about each other. I laughed so hard throughout this book and you’ll find that hard not to do right from the very start. Our author shows how hard it can be for friends to take their relationship to the next level. I still plan on making a return trip to the Cape and when I do I will be people watching with a more discerning eye to see I can make out a group of friends who remind me of Ms. Foster’s characters. Oh, did I not mention that her books will be there with me? The Cape, and Ms. Foster’s books, bring back some very happy memories from my childhood.

The only thing I couldn’t figure out with this book was whether I loved Dean and the way he kept chipping away at a wall to get to the woman behind it. I will also have to think of Dean as I rake up the numerous oak leaves that end up in my yard every year. Or was it watching the light going on above Emery’s head. Looking forward to Bayside Heat – can’t get here soon enough.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.