A review by snarkymotherreader
Woven in Darkness by Lucy Holden


Zaria and her four siblings have been slaves as long as they can remember. Found as small children with shadow braids around their necks, they've dreamed of a day where they could be free.

Zaria sees their chance in the Braid Race, a race where slaves compete for their freedom. The winner has their braid unwoven; the losers are killed. If she can win the race, she can be free and find a way to buy her siblings' freedom.

Strange forces are at work to stop her. A tall, savage stranger saves her life, heals her wounds, and sparks her curiosity. Powerful enemies emerge. And a forbidden temptation may be Zaria's salvation...or her undoing.

Woven in Darkness is one of the best fantasy novels I've read this year. It has a strong FMC, morally grey hero, immersive worldbuilding without info dumps, a slow burn romance, intrigue, and a dragon!

What more could you ask for??

Harken is a fascinating character. I love that we're given glimpses into his past through their connection. It makes it more heart-wrenching to see it all unravel. His care for Zaria is exactly how I'd imagine someone created vs born would act.

Zaria and her siblings have so much potential, and I hope we get to see more about their futures. Her sisters have been through hell and her younger brother may rival her older brother for the title of Strong Stoic.

The cast of side characters made the story rich and easy to get lost in. Exactly how much does Gemory know? What happened to Huxley? Will the wolves play a pivotal role in the next book? Can Harken's sworn enemy be redeemed? I feel like that meme of Sheldon from Big Bang Theory - I MUST KNOW!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.