A review by slc333
The Ghost Files 2 by Apryl Baker


I remember writing a review for this but once again it isn't here. So frustrating!!! Especially as it was quite awhile ago that I read it.

Obviously I enjoyed it cause I gave it 4 stars but can't remember what I wrote about it. Had to re-read it cause my review wasn't here to refresh my memory before I read the latest one which came out recently.

So a few quick thoughts after my re-read. I am enjoying the story but I am even more confused than Mattie about her romantic prospects. There was Jake, but then not, ditto for Eric and Mason (who was seriously a non starter so why is he even there?). There is Dan but Mattie doesn't feel that way about him, but then maybe she does, but then that is a no go again. And now we have Eli. Stop. Seriously just stop introducing hot new guys who connect with Mattie then replacing them with more hot new guys who connect with Mattie. It is giving me whiplash. I was happy in the first book that there was no romance between Dan & Mattie and was hoping he would turn out to be her brother. But then in this one they seem like maybe they will develop feeling for one another and I was ok with that because they are super cute together and so close. But then that whole Dan/Meg dating behind her back and lying to her about it thing happens and it is very confusing especially as he was giving very mixed signals to Mattie (he almost kisses her at her birthday party, he is clearly jealous of Eli yet he is dating Meg and wants to be with her). I was totally on Mattie's side with her reaction (even tho it was would have been an over reaction for someone else it fit for her given her upbringing and life experiences). That she was able to open up to Dan and trust him after her past was really special and he just spat in the face of her trust. I was so angry on Mattie's behalf - not because they were dating but because they hid it from her and Meg lied to her about it and that is what Mattie was most upset about too. I love Mary and I love the relationship between Mary & Mattie. At least she has one person she can totally count on. It looks to me like Eli is going to be her new love interest but I can't bring myself to care because of the revolving door love interests. Plus the only 2 I felt had a real connection with Mattie were Dan & Eric (poor Eric I will miss you even though you were dead the whole time I knew you.)