A review by lelex
Red Doc> by Anne Carson


Alright ladies once again I don't know if I'm just an idiot and stuff like this is way too over my head or if like....it doesn't make any sense. I liked parts of it a lot and I really liked the thin skinny column format but I just idk didn't get it. I have very vivid memories of reading Autobiography of Red and really liking it but this kind of missed the mark for me.

"he doesn't let the herd eat forsythia but knows they like to be amidst its blazing yellows"

"She is innocent and filled with mood like a very tough experimental baby."

"Ida means fatewise / Ida means idea / who told you that / Greek guy he says Ida is a verbal word for the way you see inside your mind / no shit /"

"So much human cruelty is simply incidental is simply brainless. Simply no common sense. You could take the entirety of the common sense of humans and put it in the palm of your hand and still have room for your dick."

"No tooth he breaks on an olive will ever again be unforeseen. He breaks it anyway."

" or am I talking outside of your experiential zipcode"

"I'm saying if the army is issuing your Luck in the form of Charms it's already gone."

"Late stars watch them."

"Do prophets vary in their amplitude of vision?"

"get real cucumber peel"