A review by liralen
Lady Knight, by Tamora Pierce


Still a solid end to the series, but I realised at some point, reading this, that Kel no longer has any flaws. She didn't have much by way of flaws to begin with—just an incapacitating fear of heights. An Achilles heel of sorts, but not so much a character flaw. And...she works to conquer the fear in the first two books, and does conquer it at the end of the second book, which means that by now? Her biggest flaw is that she's committed to protect the people under her care. Which is...you know. Not in any sense a flaw. I'm sure this isn't the last time I'll read (and enjoy) these books, but...I think there's a reason I always liked [b:Tris|639158|Tris's Book (Circle of Magic, #2)|Tamora Pierce|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1328860145l/639158._SY75_.jpg|864540].