A review by raven168
Faelorehn: Otherworld Trilogy (Book One) by Jenna Elizabeth Johnson


I won this book thru a contest here from the author and while I was not impressed with it, it was an okay read for the most part. Things were described in good detail where you can picture what the creatures look like and such, as well as the surroundings. But sometimes there really was just too much unimportant information that made it a bore to read.

Meghan was found when she was only a couple years old wandering around a dangerous part of a city. She was taken in by a couple foster parents until her current family adopted her. She has always been different and people never seem to be comfortable around her, especially because her eyes change colors randomly. Didn't help that for a while she was seeing and hearing things. But her adoptive parents and her five brothers have accepted her as one of their own and she has even managed to make a few friends. Of course these friends are also outcasts at their school for various reasons. But that's probably a good thing because the other kids are truly horrible people. Now Meghan is 17 and thinks she is starting to lose her mind again. She is seeing terrifying creatures that attack her and hearing things again. With the appearance of a boy named Cade though, she thinks she will finally get some answers. Cade protects her, trains her a little with a bow, and explains a few things. Like the fact that she is a Faelorehn and that is why she sees and hears what she does. Unfortunately he doesn't explain nearly enough and she makes a ridiculously stupid decision. I mean, really stupid...like enough to make me mad stupid. And that leads to various repercussions that we'll no doubt delve into in the next book. I also hope to find out who Meghan's real parents are soon. We do get snippets of information about her heritage and her potential but no real answers yet.

For some reason, and I really don't know why, I found myself smiling when Cade was around. Apparently I liked him a great deal so I look forward to getting more of him. And I love Fergus too!

I like the story of this world and while I am not crazy excited to continue it, I am curious about what's to come and will check it out soon enough.