A review by ottiedottie
The Shadow of Kyoshi by F.C. Yee


I came here to write a favourable review before I came to realize that this is apparently just a duology?? Where was the sense of finality? This had typical middlebook syndrome of setting things up for a more climactic showdown later especially with the epilogue featuring Lao Ge.

I enjoyed it very much... been waiting eagerly to get to read this book for a year and kept searching for it endlessly after I finished book one last year.
The political dealings were delicious to read about as always-maybe my favouritest part.
I really liked how Kyoshi's complicated relationship with Kuruk's legacy was fleshed out and how each avatar seems to be cleaning up a different kind of mess left in their wake.
When this happened
Jinpa said the party trick had supposedly been invented by Kuruk. It took a lot of skill and had no practical use, so Kyoshi believed it


One more thing that was done well was how they dealt with Yangchen's legacy of seeming all-perfect unproblematic etc. especially in comparison to Kuruk. I really liked what she said about how sometimes even if it's possible the people of each nation Shouldn't have every single thing they want or be encouraged to be entitled about their desire. Each avatar shoulders the responsibility of bringing balance to the world the best they can and still come up short because that's only human. Both on the part of the avatar and humanity itself.

Every instance we get of airbender culture and their fun loving nature I just mourn and mourn what's going to happen a hundred years into the future. When a genocide occurs, you don't just lose people-you lose culture, you lose a way of living.

I really like the little tidbits about Rangi and Kyoshi's relationship. The things she finds cute about Rangi are so adorable- things like her casually overachieving nature etc. that could be grating or neutral traits to other people she embraces completely it's so cute.
This particular scene made my heart swell.
“She was comatose !” Rangi said, startling Kyoshi with her flippancy. “Having her constantly in my ear, on a mission with the Avatar no less, is a completely different story!” It wasn’t the reaction Rangi was looking for, but Kyoshi swelled with a sudden happiness. She couldn’t help it. Rangi acting so completely, utterly normal tugged on a rope connected directly to her heart. It always would. On a whim, she picked Rangi up by the waist and whirled her around. No one was there to scold them for inappropriate touching. Rangi laughed despite herself

And the part where Rangi stubbornly cooks unflavored noodles for her despite being Pissed beyond measure at her- so much so that Kyoshi wonders if she's lost her forever. And Kyoshi crying as she scarfs down these ridiculously salty noodles as if they're the best thing she's ever tasted.

I also really appreciated Kyoshi's complicated relationship with Yokoya.
She was and would always be from this village. Only home could make you feel this bad

Me @ Chennai

There are a handful of criticisms I have though.
All of the antagonists so far, Zoryu, Yun etc. had a complete 180 into snickering cartoon evilness in such a short span of time. For Zoryu at least I understand since his supposed naivete was supposed to be a fakeout but I was really sad about how Yun's character was taken especially since I thought there would be... more of an element of angst from Yun, Kyoshi and Rangi having that childhood besties with romantic tension to enemies thing. In fact, the tension between Yun and Rangi is non existent. These complicated three person dynamics could be so fun to read about. I barely remember these books but I remember The Infernal Devices series pulling this off really well between Jem, Will and Tessa. But yeah, here they really drop the ball.

This makes the antagonists of these books feel so incredibly flat and cartoonish especially when set starkly against the contrast of this dark toned war ridden world. The dissonance is disconcerting.

Also considering the ton of interesting shit that happens in Kyoshi's life- the establishing of the warriors, Dai Lee, Chin the conquerer and god knows what else that was alluded to in the show and other parts of the franchise... these things seem untouched and I feel like that's such a waste so I'm hoping against hope that the series goes on for longer and longer chronicling Kyoshi's entire life if that's what it takes. I adore her so so much.

I took like... literally a month to write this review lmao life has been a massive bitch don't even get me started but hey I'm here and I'm having feelings over fictional people just the way it's always meant to be.