A review by cpenny124
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson


Although there were tidbits of smart observations and an attempt at sympathy, this book fell short for me. I described it to my friends as the epitome of being mansplained to.
Trauma is brought up in this book, and the way it was handled proved that it was dealt with by someone who has never experienced it.
I would take everything he says with a grain of salt, considering he thinks he’s an entrepreneur because he was a marriage counselor and had a blog. He slept on some friends couches and had the luxury to leech off of loved ones, and thinks he’s a self made American dream come true.
Go speak with a woman with two children who is stuck in poverty and can’t quit her job to live in South Africa like he did, just to “experience culture”.
Go to a young girl who was raped and now deals with panic attacks when she is touched. Tell her that she has to choose how to react to the thing that happened to her. Tell her it’s not her fault that it happened, but it’s her fault that it still hurts.
Maybe listen to the man that commented on your blog post about “dealing with problems”, when his son died in a car crash, and thought you were unsympathetic to other peoples pain.
Go listen to peoples stories, then come back to us.