A review by tcbueti
Alan Cole Is Not a Coward by Eric Bell


Very Gary Schmidt: rage-filled father, art-inspired son—what will his “cretpoj” portrait be? Considering subjects makes him SEE them.

Although the fear of being outed by his brother drives the suspense of their desperate Cole v Cole challenge, finding his courage is much more of the point of this funny, heartfelt story. (In fact he outs himself, and it’s no biggie to his crush.) Captures the grinding tedium and terror of middle school (7th grade) really well. If not your own brother, (and father at home) there’s usually a bully somewhere.

His 2 friends are great: spacey, idiot-savant and chipper Zach (too clueless to worry?) (p152 “if the odds are better than zero, that means there’s hope”) and stuffy overweight Madison Wilson Truman , his swimming coach.

Ms. Richter sips her coffee, sees everything, tells Alan’s dad he needs encouragement not criticism. Who’s your hero?

Water: (father’s prohibition against) swimming, “goldfish” (father’s insult), grandparents drowning. Chapter heading waves, great cover. P173 why father never taught them to Swim: too painful, too scary for HIM, to protect them?

I gasped out loud when he asked THE QUESTION.

I thought June (at work dinner) was going to be an ally. SO disappointed! What is her purpose in the story? She nails his family dynamic, thinks everyone has bad inside

Father’s bitterness stems from losing his parents in drowning accident, although mom does say he always felt inferior to his parents’ intellects. They always pushed him. Unless he thought their deaths were HIS fault, though he outwardly blamed Alan. P174. Hiding your love from the world. Father’s criticism sets up a critical play for his approval.
Also, you don’t get sick From an open window. But blame doesn’t always make sense

Father too B&W. He never softens til the VERY end:”Today, do your best”, after Alan stood up to him. (What happened after, upstairs?) Mom comes around, finds her earlier courage and some happiness: wears her favorite cross, stops father from punching Alan. Nathan saves his sketchbook. Alan saves his wooden top. Small, brave gestures.

P 153 Zach: it’s not fun living a secret life. That’s why I try to be as open as possible with everybody.
“I’d rather have a hard time being myself than an easy time being somebody else.”
