A review by piecorn8
This Time Next Year by Sophie Cousens


Im no contemeporary connoseiur but ths one was particularly unspectacular. The characeters didnt have a lot of chemistry and i found the end a bit rushed and unsatisfying. One minute he's like no sorry babe but youre too good for me... then hes like jk lol i love u but then SHE decides no u took too long i wanna be single and then TWO pages later theyre together? ok then.
 There was no male pov which is always a bummer, but the guy's trauma and commtment issues were never really fleshed out. To be fair, I skipped a lot of the flashback chapters where it was probably explained but anyways. 
Also i think the author was trying to make this book different from other romcoms by having ~deep~ conversations with other characters and ~self reflection~  BUT HEAR ME OUT- i want my contemprary books to be basic, stupid, and fail the bechdel test. Like please do not try to have a deeper meaning... girl please why am I reading about the deeper meaning to life when i just wanted some smut (which by the way, there was none of -_-)
It was an alright book, fast read but not worht the 5$ i dropped to get it (from the thrift store ofc)