A review by sonagschwendt
Existence by Abbi Glines


Okay okay...chill...my first question is - The FUCK I just read?

I mean really? Okay Death being a hot dude no shit there (that has to be), but the name "Dank" all I could think of was "damn" and put that to a sentence - "Damn that was piece of shit." And the girl "Pagan"...pretty much sounds like crap to me.

I agree with all the reviews that complained about the same stuff in this book. My main problem about this story wasn't the undeveloped plot (I read those a lot lately) neither that the characters are crappy, it was the way how freaking quickly it went by. Even fucking Usain Bolt wouldn't be able to keep up with the speed. The plot kept changing so quickly I had to slow myself not to run through it like a tornado. And the end? The main ending of the story was summed in...what?...one page? Maybe less? I honestly expect the proper ending in several pages to better explained what the fuck happened. This one was like "Death broke the rules now he has to pay...you were supposed to die...you did...you came back and saved Death from "death"...happy ending...your ex disappeared withing seconds of reuniting with Death" I mean COME ON GUYS! My nephew could end it better.

And another thing that is also my problem in the next book. He is SO. DAMN. POSSESSIVE! So jealous and shitload like that. You couldn't think of better way how to make him "protective"?

I ultimately face-palmed myself more than 100 times. And she even went to mental because her mom thought she was going crazy and had PTSD from an accident she only SAW. Dude are you even considering YOURSELF sane?

Okay to sum this up - DON'T do the same mistake as some of us did. I wasted several hours of my life on this and I ain't getting them back. Unfortunately. I agree with the reviews who are putting this ahead of Twilight. Cullen dude at least made it slightly interesting at some points even if he did sparkle and put on that look of sexually abused Tinkerbell. This Death dude yelled "NOOOOO" and that is all he did to make the threat interesting. But guess what! It DID NOT WORK. This book was and is big PIT-LOAD OF SHIT.