A review by marissacelina
The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa


This book starts somewhere right after the events of the first book. Allison is persistent to find Kanin by the blood bond they share. After some while, she links up with Jackal, her blood brother and Kanin's other creation. Lets just say, they don't exactly get along. Jackal is basically your stereotypical strong, leader, asshole type vampire. He ruled Chicago, the post-apocalyptic version anyways. This book opens with Allison fierce and cold-hearted, basically just killing anything that gets in her way, and I frankly LOVE her like that. It's so refreshing from the all-too popular innocent and weak protagonists that we get in books nowadays. It's pretty cool to go back to the original setting in The Immortal Rules, FYI the first book, where we got introduced to Allison and her band of misfits. The town is exactly as she remembered except for one thing, rabids are roaming the city more than ever and somethings up with the vamps. Also the fact that Kanin is being tortured and kept in captivity by Sarren, a psychotic and crazy vampire who has the weirdest obsession with birds. Yep. Crazy. Tweet Tweet.

Of course we meet back up with Zeke, who now fully accepts Allison for what she is, much to her relief. I LOVED THE FACT THAT THE ROMANCE WAS EVEN LESS THAN THE FIRST BOOK!! It's like Kagawa had heard my prayers. It was still evident but definitely not focused on at all! Of course with Zeke there he is re-introduced to Jackal and wants revenge for what happened to his people and most importantly, Jeb. Jackal being Jackal doesn't really give 2 shits which is pretty funny. I do love Jackal, as much as he is infuriating and an asshole, it's hard not to like him. Lets just give an example shall we:

“We’re both still here.”
He drew in a slow breath. “Allie…”
“Oh, don’t mind me,” came an extremely sarcastic voice near the wall. “You two go ahead and make out—I’ll just sit here and bleed quietly.”

And that's just one of his lines that cracks me up. Jackal is a pretty complex character beneath all that humour. He is not good nor bad, he does wish Allison accept herself fully and believes that humanities purpose was to be ruled by them, vampires.

Overall, this sequel was amazing and deserves all the praise it has gotten! The ending was a huge shock considering what happens and leaves us on a cliffhanger. Sarren definitely has some hell to pay and Allison is going to come collecting very soon with Kanin and Jackal by her side. Till next time, in the last and final book of the series, The Forever Song.

IF you liked this review, go check out the others I did on my blog!