A review by ___tamara___
Curses, Foiled Again by Sera Trevor


John, who is a witch, is cursed to die a violent death and to know the face of his attacker the moment he falls in love. He has already fallen in love once (before the start of our story) and knows what the man who will kill him looks like. So it is no wonder he has little patience for the vampire Felix who tries to feed on John, only to realize John is immune to vampire attacks because he doesn't fear them.

John just wants to wait peacefully for his curse to finish him off. In his mind, he has surrendered to what he perceives as his inevitable fate and just wants to not hurt anyone else in the process. That means he forces himself to solitude, as anyone attached to him would inevitably suffer when he dies. But everyone knows vampire have no real feelings, so he lowers his guard around Felix.

Felix on the other hand finds himself fascinated by the man who treats him more as a pest than the ferocious predator he is. So first he tries to attack John, then he tries to just scare him just to prove he can, and slowly becomes curios about him. But how can it grow be any more than an obsession when vampires have no hearts?

Overall I really enjoyed this story.

Felix in particular was a fun character to read - this fearsome creature of the night who is also quite silly and naive at times. He made me laugh out loud throughout the book.

The world is interesting. It feels different than what I have come to expect from a vampire romance novel, and I would like to explore it some more. I would like to read more about witches and their hierarchy. What about the witch council? And what about other paranormal creatures besides vampires? The world has great potential for a series. I'd definitely read Lo's story.

I have read all of Sera Trevor's stories so far. My favorite is still [b:Consorting With Dragons|22826002|Consorting With Dragons|Sera Trevor|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1406532927s/22826002.jpg|42380591], but this one comes damn close.