A review by toastx2
Long Road to Liquor City by Macon Blair


Long Road to Liquor City: For those who have never seen a weiner tree

Oh Macon Blair.. Oh Joe Flood.. Oni Press and the lord in heaven.. Thank you for making this glorious comic.

Two hobos a story does not make.

To get a really amazing story, insert any of the following and shake vigorously: hijinx, a vengeful lawman, a hot dog tree, a one handed dead woman, sexual tension, goat theives, apple pie, crucifiction, treasure maps, river rafting, snake venom sucked from body parts, religious fireballs, walking skeletons, bearded ladies, backfiring guns, spit in a guys ear, carnies, badass ladies fighting the law, dudes kissing dudes, bonfires, false kings, comraderie, the open road..

And of course, the promise of Liquor City at the end of it all..

If only these here hobos could decipher the map, all would be hunky dory.

Get ready for some hobo surgery, someone go boil a pickle.

Amazing artwork! Leans to the rougher sketch soft pencil comic days, and avoids the hypersaturated post anime influence. 5 pages from the end confirmed my suspicions and blew my mind!

This review was based on a review copy supplied by the publisher.