A review by readinginlipstick
Love Offline: Looking For Romance In Real Life by Olivia Spring


I was very lucky to be given a chance to read Love Offline by the lovely Olivia. As soon as I read the Synopsis I knew I would love this book. Thank you again.

If i could sum this up in three words it would be fun, flirty and fabulous.

This is a great book about getting your heart broken, true friendships and discovering who you really are. Whilst also touching on real life issues of the pressure of social media and mental health that comes with too much screen time.

The lovely Emily is terrified of getting back out there after a failed relationship with the man she thought she would marry.  Working from home she seeks solitude there in the comfort of her pj’s, sitting on her phone wasting hours scrolling through peoples social media and dating apps where no one can hurt her there! How is she ever going to get out of the rut she is in. That is until her best friend the wonderful Chloe steps in.

Chloe is the best friend every one of us needs, caring, honest and brings cake at every drama Emily faces. Bonus! Their friendship was just so lovely, you really did feel all Chloe wanted was the best for Emily.  Without giving too much away, I loved what Chloe did for Emily, setting her tasks and taking her shopping. You could see the confidence growing back and Chloe also brought out a feisty side to Emily that I loved.

I was laughing throughout the whole book, especially at some of the interesting characters Emily met along the way. Henry being one of them, you would definitely not want to meet him at speed dating!! Single or in a relationship I recommend this book. It has plenty of feel good and laugh out loud moments with the added cringe moments of dating we have all face in life. I know I can definitely relate to a lot of how Emily felt after a break up and how hard it was trying to get back out there. Wish I had this book then! Only bad thing is it did make me want to go speed dating for the giggles (just don’t think my partner would like that now)!

As much as dating online works for some people, being the hopeless romantic I am I do also believe in the old fashion way and what Chloe was trying to do for Emily. Love has a funny way of showing up when you least expect it. But with whom in Emily’s case…you have to read this to find out.