A review by trackofwords
Sons of the Selenar by Graham McNeill


While Black Library’s Siege of Terra series is closing off the Horus Heresy with eight novels covering the major story beats, Graham McNeill’s Sons of the Selenar marks the first in an additional set of novellas which tackle slightly smaller subjects within the context of the Siege. In this case, the story of Sharrowkin, Wayland and the Sisypheum continues as, returning to the Sol System, loyalties within the crew begin to fracture. Drawn to embattled Luna, the few remaining Shattered Legionaries must put division aside and act as one if they’re to ensure vital secrets remain out of the traitors’ hands.

As a conclusion to this particular story it’s a powerful, at times emotional ride, with high personal stakes and a nice connection to what’s happening in the Siege as a whole. There’s more than enough in these character arcs to have fleshed out a longer story, not to mention the backstory to the Selenar, so in a sense it’s a shame this couldn’t have been expanded to a longer book…but as it stands, while it might not be one of the eight main Siege stories it feels very much part of the wider story both tonally and narratively, and provides a dark but satisfying conclusion to this particular story arc.

Read the full review at https://www.trackofwords.com/2020/06/23/sons-of-the-selenar-graham-mcneill/