A review by bookmumblings
Wrath by John Gwynne


Let me preface this by saying I really enjoyed this series. So, it pains me to say that, whilst the ending was satisfying, I was disappointed with this final book.

1) Pacing

This book felt slow, rushed and segmented all at once.

We are constantly jumping from pov to pov, realm to realm, subplot to subplot. It all felt staged and segmented. The same things seemed to be happening but to different characters. This segmented feeling caused a lack of continuity. It left me feeling detached from the story and characters. Key details were being glossed over and it was hugely frustrating.

It felt like this: ‘Someone dies. Okay, were straight to the next pov and battle… The battle ends badly/great. Who cares, let’s go straight to the next pov… Betrayal and a sudden reveal! …Meh let’s not dwell here.”

There was no time for characters to process, never mind the readers.

I am not exaggerating when I say that there were times that I was left leafing through pages wondering ‘did I miss a chapter?’ … ‘did I fabricate that big reveal that is now being totally ignored?”

There was also something of an anticlimax and unanswered questions.

I suspect that the pacing of the previous books couldn't have worked here because there was so much more to do - treasures to collect, character arcs, plot holes to fill - hence this book came across as super rushed and jumpy in order to tie all the ends together. Unfortunately, it didn't come across well.

2) The choices

Let’s just say things happened which didn’t make sense, however hard I tried to make it reconcile with the story (trust me, I tried