A review by jmanchester0
A Man Made Entirely of Bats by Patrick Lenton


I think that what happened was that the author had a list of weird notes, quotes, and ideas. None of them fully formed but each bearing out a story in this volume.

These stories are just weird. Not bizarro weird - but kinda borderline.

But they're short, and they're fun.

And they're mostly about superheroes and superheroines and super powers. What could be better?!?

Radioactive Jerk was freaking hilarious. Or at least it cracked me up. I mean - I know that
SpoilerSpider-Man got bit by a radioactive spider but who thinks about what might happen if you get bit by a radioactive jerk?!?

Clitfingers was amusing. And a tad weirder than the others.

I can't help but think the Wonder Woman story is out of character.

But the Superman story? Heavy.

Thanks to NetGalley and Spineless Wonders for a copy in return for an honest review.