A review by 55_sallymander
Stampede: Gold Fever and Disaster in the Klondike by Brian Castner


STAMPEDE by Brian Castner 3 STARS


This is an interesting novel about the famous Klondike Gold Rush. From the initial discovery of gold to the thousands of people who dropped everything to run for the gold. Desperate folks who thought they could get rich quickly but most found only pain and heartache.

The story is told in more of a story form, yet still giving the details about who found gold first, at which locations. The gold rush was 1896-1899, with the stampede being 1897-1898. Few people got rich from the gold that they found. They discovered that the inflation of regular things like food or supplies went up.

The book has a plethora of historical facts about the stampede, it would appeal to history buffs. Some of it was interesting to me, but I lost interest in it, somewhere in the middle.

Thankfully, I received a complimentary copy of #stampede @stampede from #netgalley I was under no obligation to post a review.