A review by paulataua
The Complete Stories by Clarice Lispector


What a find! I was so lucky to come across this. Lispector is such an original writer and the stories are so thought provoking. It is one big book with over eighty stories, and they are mostly stories that cannot be read one after the other. The Complete Stories has become my readers equivalent of a morning dip in the pool, and there are many such mornings to come.

I wrote that four years ago, but have since realized how difficult it is to do justice to a book of short stories, so thought I would just take one , 'The Fifth Story' and say something about it.

It tells five stories within two pages! The stories center around a narrator who prepares a recipe of sugar, flour, and plaster to kill cockroaches and an eerie significance grows with each story. There is something completely intriguing about Clarice Lispector. She is so difficult to follow at times and her writings are impossible to skim, but this very short story is a great introduction to her work. It’s one to love or hate, and it only takes five minutes to find out how you feel about it. I think it shows how important she is as a writer. It is pretty easy to find on the internet for free.