A review by foreverbeautifulbooks
He's Come Undone by Theresa Weir


This story was another one that drove angst to a whole other level. I'm not sure I would have liked this one as much as I did if I wasn't already on a roll with the whole needing more and more New Adult drama. I swear these authors think up the worst possibly situation and think "What is the worst way these people can handle it." And they write a book.

I didn't mind so much with this one because I really honestly liked both the main characters. The story telling was strong and drove the plot forward and had me needing to read more and more and see what happened. I read this book initially because it promised Whovian Fangirl/boy moments (There was one mention of this which kinda made me sad, I was hoping for a sit down of the last Christmas Special and have both people break it down from different POV.) Alas, they just shared their fav Doctors and it wasn't really all that of a surprise. Then they make it seem like it is going to be a whole John Tucker Must Die scenario. I happen to love and own that movie so I was all in.

I have to say that a lot did disappoint me because it ended up being a really sad. Also, people acted really irrational which had me blinking at my page. This is another book about how people handle violent loss in their life. Are there really this many people that don't cope well with loss? I mean the lead male had to be stuck in a loony bin. If I am being frank, I don't think that is what needed to be done. He wasn't crazy, he was just, well, acting out. And the sister stuck him in one like he was going crazy. Ok, sleeping with a lot chicks and partying your night away is not psycho behavior. Your filling up the system with a body that didn't need to be there. Even the lead male thought this and was basically shining his sister on so she would leave him alone.

I mean I get where she was coming from, she didn't want him to self-destruct and lose him like they lost their parents. It just seemed all a bit over the top for me. The only saving grace for me was the writing and I liked Ellie, and I liked Ellie and Julian when they are happy and together. It was just so depressing until the two leads finally kinda said forget everyone else and moved on away from everyone else and decided to give one another a chance. They both were damaged in my opinion I think they needed to move past the bad that had happened to them and just look forward. Although, the author still ended it a bit up in the air and sad if you want me to be honest. Like the characters still weren't over stuff. Yet, they were happy, but the author didn't want them to be happy.

It was disappointing and yet something about it endeared me to it enough to keep going and root for the two characters.

As a whole, it could have been better and less... well... sad.

*I received a copy of this book for free from Belfry Press via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*