A review by annieworford
Sleepless by Terri Clark


So, after reading this book I went onto the website to look at the reviews. What was astounding that so many people had given this book really good reviews, so obviously anyone with any good taste in literature is not reading this book. Then again, anyone who would pick this book up in first place after seeing it's cover is obviously insane. But, seriously, HAVE YOU PEOPLE LOST YOUR MINDS?!?!?!?! Seriously, do NOT read this book, that is four (or so) hours of my life I will never get back. Although, it was rather entertaining to make fun of, and it made me feel a lot better about my own writing.

Essentially, the main character is being stalked in her dreams by a psycho killer, and goes around with the son of the guy prosecuting her in court in random hotel rooms while her mother is for some reason gone for a few weeks on a trip in Europe. During this time, Trinity, the main character, who happens to be eighteen, is basically living in hotels with the guy. Sound realistic yet? Well, that's probably due to the fact that it never does. In addition, of course, they have to share a queen size bed in all the motels, so they build a pillow barrier, which Trinity ends up awkwardly jumping over in the middle of the night. Anyway, she ends up randomly drinking a ton of tequila, puking on guy with her, Dan, and then sleeping with him.