A review by kathryn08
Poet's Cottage by Josephine Pennicott


This is Australian author Josephine Pennicott’s first non-fantasy novel - at least according to Goodreads. Her website indicates she has several others written prior to this one, but I haven’t read them, and my library doesn’t have them.

I enjoyed this one, although I do not read a lot in the Gothic mystery genre. At the time of reading, I did feel there were some points that were laboured over, although I can’t recall what they were now. This was a readable book, but not one that gripped me from the outset and made me compulsively turn the pages. I liked that it was set in Tasmania - I don’t think I’ve read any books set there before! I will look forward to reading [b:Currawong Manor|21490150|Currawong Manor|Josephine Pennicott|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1399615224s/21490150.jpg|40817076] at some point.