A review by mountie9
Better to Wish by Ann M. Martin


The Good Stuff

Very realistic and true to the time period (warning some of it is quite sad and may be hard for the more sensitive reader but it is written beautifully and appropriate for the age level)
Abby is a strong willed likeable character that you will cheer for
Loved the relationship between Abby and Rose
Moral issues are done in a non preachy way which is an impressive feat for middle grade fiction
Will encourage readers to learn more about this period of history
Liked the slice of life and how the series will go through 4 generations of women. Reminded me a little of a series by Phillappa Carr that I read when I was a teen. This type of series really appeals to me
All of the characters feel very real and act appropriately for this period of time
Looking forward to reading the rest of the series
Lovely use of humour

The Not So Good Stuff

Jumpy at times
Father is a misogynistic racist jerk

Favorite Quotes/Passages

"Long years later, when Abby was old, very old, she liked to recall this evening. Not because Rose had lost her dime, of course, but because it was pleasant to dwell in this time when losing a dime was the biggest worry she and Rose faced. They hadn't yet learned that it was better not to know what was waiting for them around the corner."

"When we grow up," said Sarah, "we should tell our husbands that we have to live next door to each other so that we can see each other every single day and our children can be best friends, too."

Who Should/Shouldn't Read

Great book for middle grade girls who are not into the paranormal
Some more sensitive middle graders might want to stay away as it deals with darker subject matter like mental issues, racism, death and depression
Fans of the babysitter's club will enjoy this series as the writing style is the same and highlights the importance of friendships

4.5 Dewey's

I received this from Scholastic in exchange for an honest review