A review by beckyangelique
The Binding by Bridget Collins


Such a disappointing book. The first part was so good and well written and then part two was such a detour. I really expected this to be a fantasy, magical story but it's not. It's just a romance book with some magical elements to the alternate world and there is no sense of time or place.
I found the plot uninspiring from then on out. Don't even get me started about part 3... Changing tenses to first person present for no reason? I skimmed through the end because it was unbearable and boring.
And speaking of the ending... Very lackluster. This could have been such a cool story if the whole plot didn't revolve around a gay couple who aren't allowed to be together and their memories get wiped because of prejudice. Because of the lack of context regarding time and place, this prejudice didn't really sit right and I was really saddened that it made gay romance a negative thing in this fictional world.
Basically I signed up for a fantasy historical novel but instead got a "forbidden" love story...
Not very happy that I wasted a week reading this book.
2/5 starts because the writing style was engaging and well done for 2/3s of the book but otherwise, I would not recommend.