A review by leakaroo
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera


Had me rolling my eyes on multiple occasions. So pretentious, so annoying to read. The concept was good, but I couldn’t get over how it’s so clearly written by a man. The women seem fine with the men’s infidelity, and it’s treated as normal. There is even a part where one of the characters, Franz, is praised by his mistress for being the most noble and kindhearted man she knows, and this is said right after talking about him cheating on his wife! It’s not even said ironically either, like she genuinely believes he’s a good guy tf. 
Also one too many pages of the women describing their own breasts and other women’s breasts and the saggage and colour and oh my god just stop!!! And before you say anything, I get the point okay, it’s just still not done very well! (Also there were at least 2 detailed descriptions of women taking a shit. I am thoroughly disappointed)