A review by novelesque_life
All Birds Have Anxiety by Kathy Hoopmann


(I received an ARC from the NETGALLEY)


(Review Not on Blog)

I selected this book for two reason...owls and anxiety! I am glad I did as this is a wonderful book on anxiety. The photographs of different birds are gorgeous and fit the scenario that the book describes. I realized only eight years ago I suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, and probably have since I was a child. It would explain a lot of my feelings and action at the age as I still have many of those feelings. This book explains what anxiety is, and what you may feel while going through it. It is great for all children as it not only explains what you may be going through, but also what others might be going through. Hoopmann does a wonderful job in explaining anxiety and how you can get help and that you are not alone. It is nice having this as a tool to explain to the small humans in my life about my anxiety.