A review by gracedreads
The Edge of Nowhere by Elizabeth George


The Edge of Nowhere by Elizabeth George is not what I first envisioned the book to be about. This book kept me interested but not to the point where it will stick with me forever. I had to find out how it would end. This book ends on a cliffhanger, and even though I wanted to know how it would end I'm not so sure I will pick up the second book when it comes out. This book really didn't speak to or stick with me.

The Edge of Nowhere by Elizabeth George is a book featured around a four-teen year old girl named Hannah Armstrong, only due to unforeseen circumstances she is forced to alter her entire identity and change her name to Becca King. Becca King can hear the thoughts of others, which she calls whispers. She is then taken to Whidbey Island by her mother who drops her off to stay with a family friend while she goes off to try and create a new life for them in British Columbia. Only when she arrives, Becca finds out the family friend has died. Becca must then, find a new place to stay, not being able to get in touch with her mother, Becca starts to make a life for herself on the island. She befriends an outcast, gets taken in by a hotel owner, makes an enemy, discovers a psychic connection, and gets involved in an incident with nothing but mystery and lies surrounding her and all of her newly found acquaintances. This book keeps you interested to the point that you want to find out how it ends but you don't need too.