A review by dmtcer
Helping Mayor Patty by Laura Zarrin, Fran Manushkin


My kids love reading Katie Woo books, and as a librarian I love their simple readability for children, as well as the diverse aspects of the series. They teach respect for others differences from our own, including race, color, and have stories that include so many aspects and lessons about life as a child today - friendship, loyalty, fun, adventure, even the loss of a pet.

In this story, Katie gets a new neighbor, and Aunt Patty has become mayor of the town. One of her first jobs is to decide where the community needs financial support the most. The neighbors all want different things; a new fire station, new streetlights, new garbage cans, and so on. Katie and her friends put their heads together to help decide what it is that will make their community even better.

These are simply written and sweet stories that show a side of life lacking in many more urban areas. They are about community and standing together, even in diversity. As a librarian, I stand behind their shining example and would love for more children to experience life through Katie Woo's adventures.