A review by rouver
Deathstalker by Simon R. Green


Meh...don't bother with this book/series. The story jumps all over the place, the author introduces new characters willy-billy, he repeats himself over & over (I thought perhaps that this book had originally been released as a series of short stories & he felt compelled to rehash stuff he'd already covered...but no), everyone is super-powerful, super-smart, super-enhanced..and yet enemies are easily defeated if the storyline calls for it, even though they too are 'impossible to kill'. It's sloppy weak writing. The problem is that I *do* want to find out what happens....but this horrible author has managed to churn out at least EIGHT books in this series. *weep*

I'm going to read a bit of Terry Pratchett & hopefully put any urges I have to read more in this series far, far behind me.