A review by finalefile
All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages by Saundra Mitchell


I wish I liked this more. :/ I got bored near the end, didn't pick up the book for a while, and ended up just skimming the last few stories.

My favorite story was The Sweet Trade - teenage girls running off to be pirates together! I would read a whole book of that. And I loved the first sentence: "Clara Elizabeth Byrd had been married twice by the age of sixteen and she had decided she had no taste for it."

Asexual stories: And They Don't Kiss at the end had an ace character, but was not interesting to me. I liked Walking After Midnight - the main character there seemed to be ace or demi. And Every Shade of Red was pretty good - a queer Robin Hood retelling, where Friar Tuck seems to be ace!