A review by drakoulis
The Bone Wars by Erin S. Evan


My rating is generous given that this is an ARC.

I couldn't resist reading a story about paleontology and cryptozoology. I love dinosaurs so the blurb had me hooked. Unfortunately, the story left a lot to be desired.

There are a lot of details about paleontology, digs, the technical and scientific aspect of the process of unearthing dinosaur fossils. There is also a sort of trbute to the history of paleontology, the forefathers of the science who lived in the 19th century and sometimes don't get the recognition they deserve.

Sadly, the story had two big issues for me:

- the characters are bland, I didn't find myself to care about any of them. The author tried to highlight Molly's value by making the actual scientists look...naive? stupid? The "help" Molly provided was...Googling myths and history? If she wanted to make her remarkable, she should have upped the research challenges.

- the plot regarding the historical trail looks it's inspired by Da Vinci Code, but only at the surface and is very basic. There is minaml depth, the motives of both the good guys and the villains are quite simplistic.

A fair rating would be closer to 2 stars, but I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt since it's not to be published until next year.

Thank you NetGalley and Inkshares for the ARC!