A review by wickedlyromance
Pure Bliss by Sophie Oak


I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

As always I love heading to Bliss, Colorado and spending time with my favorite town of eclectic people.

James and Noah were brothers and the best of friends until a woman comes between them. They go their separate ways and don't speak for years. James brings in a partner to help him with the ranch and keep it afloat while Noah learned just what the woman who came between the brothers was really all about. Now Noah is coming home to Bliss but along the way he manages to pick up James' long time crush Hope who has car trouble.

James is anything but happy to see Hope in Noah's arms let alone returning to Bliss. Hope has found peace, safety, and friends in Bliss. She is running from a past that can destroy her when it catches up with her. While the brothers have to come to terms with their own pasts as well as the fact they are both attracted to Hope.

This is the sixth book in the series and as always I love returning to Bliss. It is the town I want to live in. Even though it does have a high murder rate (they import it all as the locals will tell you.) This is also a book where we see that maybe Henry wasn't always the pacifist we think he is. He will do whatever it takes to protect the town and woman he loves. At first glance bliss may seem like a town full of crazy people but once the layers are pulled back you see just how much love and understanding the people of Bliss have.
This review was originally posted on A Lucky Grace