A review by kamaria
Doom by Chuck Dixon, Leonardo Manco


This is so bad it's good. Chuck Dixon, the author of [b:Marvel Knights (2000) # 1|25541407|Marvel Knights (2000) # 1|Chuck Dixon|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1431668659s/25541407.jpg|45333172], the worst Marvel comic I've read to date, couldn't plot a coherent story even if his life depended on it.

The story jumps from action-packed scene to action-packed scene and Dixon doesn't bother to flesh the characters nor even the world around them. It is terrible, but it is also unintentionally funny. Doom is not the supervillain you expect - he is an absurd and over-the-top grumpy man! I also ship him with Lancer. Poor Lancer.

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Doom will bring the utmost evil to Earth: ponies!

But the saddest part is his world domination fantasy. It's just sad. Not even scary. At the same time, I cannot but draw parallels with Dr. Doofenshmirtz from Phinneas & Ferb.

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So much for a dramatic exit!