A review by heather01602to60660
Watch for Me by Moonlight by Jacquelyn Mitchard


At least as bad as the second in the trilogy, but laughably so (again, what IS the literary equivalent term for a camp movie??). Mitchard cannot write dialog that flows - every few sentences, I'd stumble over something that totally threw me out of the reading just to figure out what the heck she meant. Characters are forever having mood swings mid-sentence, and the twins sound exactly alike when speaking (considering how much is made of their different personalities and mirror-twin-differences, this isn't a small thing). And a LOT of the novel is dialog.

Even the adults, at the rare times they show up, talk in that "it's so nice to see you, have a seat, I HATE YOU HATE YOU YOU STINK would you like some tea?" mood swingy way.

Even when not stumbling through the dialog, I really wondered at times if the middle of some sentences were accidentally erased and just no one noticed or cared enough to try to put them back together.

Any decent book about the intersection of the supernatural with human characters will have at least a FEW moments where someone says "no way, that can't happen!" or at least have serious doubts. It helps the reader suspend their own disbelief. Yet, no one blinked a single eye over the lead character falling in love with someone no one else could see. I mean, they went to movies together and no one thought it was odd she paid for two tickets?? (Just one example.) Having discovered she's talking about a cute boy no one else can see, her friends... do absolutely nothing and never mention it again.

I will give it this - the resolution at the end, telling much of each of the characters futures, flowed nicely. Or maybe I was just so relieved it was over, anything sounded good!