A review by mastersal
The Tenth Girl by Sara Faring

Did not finish book.
DNF AT page 110 - 24% in

Ok I think I gave this a fair shot but I was reading this quite begrudgingly. I didn’t care about the plot or any of the characters. I didn’t find the writing atmospheric or compelling. I know there is supposed to be this big twist on the book - and maybe that will would have helped but I didn’t care to find out.

If the book hasn’t given me a reason to continue 1000 pages in I thinks it’s fair to say it’s an average book. Maybe …

This was a shame as the glimpses of the history and the discussion on cycles of violence could have been very interesting. Just not sure why this uses this mystery house conceit as it’s distracting. Ah well - meh!

Edit: so I went and read the ending so I know the “big twist” / construct of the novel. And frankly it sounds very interesting, including the thematic conversations that could and should be had with this. BUT - the thought of reading this book for another 300 pages is giving me hives.