A review by capa105
Nine Kinds of Naughty by Jeanette Grey


Read full review HERE


I’ve read the previous two books of this series, about Kate and Rylan, Seven Nights to Surrender & Eight Ways to Ecstasy, so when I saw this one was available on netgalley, I requested it, because I had really enjoyed the other ones. Also, because in book 2 there’s a chapter about Lexie, and her relationship with her assistant Dane intrigued me.


Once again, I found Jeanette Grey’s writing amazing. The book is told in dual POV, and her writing style is almost lyrical. It’s beautiful.

I really liked both main characters. Lexie, who thought she was never good enough and that always tried her hardest, especially at her job – which was her live. And then Dane, who was stuck in a life he didn’t want and had no control over, and who so desperately just wanted to be himself. They both go through an amazing evolution.

I really liked the overall plot of the book, and how Dane taught Lexie how to relinquish control, at least in a part of her life, and how he gained himself in the process. I loved the falling out, it was perfect and so on point with the characters.

So… why am I only giving this book 3.5 stars? To sum it up, BDSM is not for me, and it’s definitly something I do not like to read about.

I have to praise Grey here, because I think she did an amazing job with all the scenes, and I gained an understanding of it that I didn’t previously have (and it seems like she did it right enough, according to some websites). I liked that things were explained. But I just can’t stand it.

I understand the principal and the importance of the elements for the people involved. I do! I just cringed each time I was reading about Lexie’s submission. Some elements I could get on board with, but others were just… no, not for me. Sorry…

Either way, it is a good erotica book, and I think that if you don’t mind reading about BDSM, you will thoroughly enjoy this one. It has great writing and great characters and loads and loads of sex.