A review by novelheartbeat
Metaltown by Kristen Simmons


This was Metaltown. Things didn't change in Metaltown. You changed, and if you didn't you paid.

Beautifully written as always, Kristen! This book was dark and gritty, and perfectly portrayed the struggles of the world. It was such a beautiful and (and heartbreaking) story! I love that it showed the power of rising up and letting your voice be heard. The unfairness of everything really struck me, I thought Kristen did a fabulous job driving that home! I really felt for the characters and their hardships.

My only complaint is that pacing was fairly slow. But that's not a bad thing, because there's very strong emphasis on characterization and world building. Kristen really took the time to flesh out all of the characters and create a very vivid setting! Metaltown felt real.

Trust is a hard promise to keep.

I loved the relationships between the characters. It was so interesting to see Lena and Colin come together, two sides of the same coin with very different backgrounds. It was kind of heartbreaking though, because the closer he got to Lena, the farther Colin got from Ty.
SpoilerAlso, they're portrayed as strictly platonic - best friends who lean on each other and have each others' backs no matter what - but there was a hint at the end that perhaps Colin meant more to Ty than she let on?! WHICH BREAKS MY HEART EVEN MORE.

Fight, because it hurts too much if you stop.

THAT ENDING. Kristen, you owe me a box of tissues! (Although, in all fairness, you did warn me...)
SpoilerTY. OW MY FEELS. I kinda had a feeling she was going to die, but it still hurt. IT HURTSSS.
This book was one of my most anticipated 2016 reads, and it was well worth the wait! I'm so excited for the launch party this month!

This review was originally posted on Novel Heartbeat. To see a breakdown of my assessment, please visit the full review here.