A review by cherrywood
Restoration by Ann Aguirre


Wow! At first I wasn't really expecting anything, just thought that it will be fun to pop in Fade's head. But after finishing it, I must say that this novella really suprise me. Even though it has only 16 pages, it is spectacular! The content was amazing! And a lot of the mystery of why Fade distance himself from Deuce is solve. You get to know so much more of not only what he thinks, but also some of his childhood memories and how it influence him.

If I could wind my watch backward and be the person I was before, I'd do it, but I couldn't, and it seemed kinder to let this end. In some bleak corner of my heart, I remembered my father and how he had been after my mother died.

Another amazing fact about this short novella is that you get to see how much Edmund cares about Deuce too, from how he particularly forced Fade to go with Deuce on her "mission." If not for him, Fade would not even know that Deuce is being sent on a "rescue mission," let along go with her. So thank you, Edmund.

"You think a man doesn't fall down, son? A real man falls down nine times and gets up ten. You think real men don't get scared? We do, all the time, especially when the people we love can be taken away from us. The key to manhood is being there, every morning when she wakes up, every night before she goes to bed. That's what a man does. It has nothing to do with how good you are with some shiny knives.And if you let her do this along...."

That's not it, there is even a sence between him and Stalker! Where Fade finally stands up and warn Stalker from Deuce. That was amazing. It was awesome to know just exactly when did he decided to fight for Deuce again, and not just blindly thinking that he doesn't deserve Deuce. Go Fade!

"She will never see you," I said quietly. "You're a sparring partner, convenient to her, useful, even. You may trick her now and then, because she's not bent like you. But she'll never, ever offer what you want of her own free will."

"And what do you think I'm after?"
"Her heart," I said. "Which is too bad. You see... that's mine, and it always will be. Odd as it might seem, she'd rather have me broken than you whole."

And now I know where the line Stalker told Deuce that she rather have someone broken then him whole comes from. XD

Overall, I really enjoyed this novella. Highly recommend and encourage all Razorland lover to read it. It's really good and you will not regret it!