A review by therese_nook68
The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor


4/5 stars!

I enjoyed this militant reimagining of Alice Through the Looking Glass. It was still recognizable without being copy-pasted but so different where you didn't know where you were. I loved seeing these different twists to my favorite characters and seeing how they would be in a very militant and army heavy novel. This was a quick read and I was surprised when I was at the end -- I hadn't realized I had gotten so far in the book? It goes by quickly but not in a bad way, it's just fast paced and the way the chapters are framed also help with the speed of the novel.

The characters were all fleshed out and while their names were similar to their original counterparts, they still stood on their own. I enjoyed all of their different motivations and values and personalities. Definitely can't wait to see where they go in the second novel.

My biggest issues was the brevity of some of the chapters, particularly in the beginning. It was hard for me to really picture the world and understand what was going on or any foreshadowing since it was so short. I couldn't get a grasp on the characters for a bit because once I'd settle myself in the head of one character, we'd jump to another. And since this happens throughout the novel, I thought it was particularly difficult in the beginning, I wouldn't have been so... confused had the chapters been an extra page longer.